Hebweb discussion forum. Pipes on the TIC building, standing stones and sun dial in the square - read the comments in the Hebweb discussion forum. Hebweb discussion forum

Pipes on the TIC building, standing stones and sun dial in the square - read the comments in the Hebweb discussion forumHebweb discussion forum  ELECTRICAL HANDYMAN Small Ads (7 March)

You can email comments here. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR SALE Small Ads (24 Sept) PSYCHOTHERAPY SPACES Small Ads (23 Sept) VINTAGE ERIBA CARAVAN Small Ads (22 Sept) BIKE REPAIRS & GUIDANCE Small Ads (22 Sept) 2 BED HOUSE TO RENT Small Ads (22 Sept) HOUSE WANTED TO RENT Small Ads (21 Sept) HOUSE FOR. Monday, 5 August 2019. Saturday, 2 May 2015 . Monday, 14 September 2020. There's a notice at the station ticket office informing travellers of changes to parking arrangements at Hebden Bridge railway station. This means messages do not appear immediately but asap. Forum guidelines. Hebweb News: Shed Your Tears and Walk Away. 30pm. Sadly but predictably, the relevant local councillor recently admitted work on Keighley Rd is behind schedule. Airy and spacious with large lounge, roomy farmhouse kitchen, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, Elmet is beautifully decorated with mid-century furniture and Hannah Nunn lamps. Up to 35 words. WANTED: 3-4 BED IN TOD Small Ads (27 Aug). Following extensive discussion on the HebWeb Forum in January and February, moves to buy out the Fox and Goose and run it as a co-operative pub are moving forward. Station booking office closure demo The news of proposed closure of the booking office at Hebden Bridge station has provoked outrage. It might be argued that all GP surgeries have suffered during the pandemic, but in discussion, it appears there are presently good NHS practices in the Lake District, Scotland, Ripponden, and near Nottingham. Wednesday, 16 December 2020 The proposal to build up to 18 flats in Linden Mill is back on the table. SEARCH HebWeb. Add your comments. From Gwen Goddard. Please, does anybody know whether King Charles, in his youth visited Hebden Bridge? I'm not referring to post-flood visits. HebWeb News 2022 - Handmade Parade: Good Day Sunshine. (5 Nov) Independent on Sunday: Why has Hebden Bridge become suicide central? (1 Nov) From Time Out. Sunday, 27 February 2022 It is interesting that Craig Whittaker (as I learned from the news item on Hebweb which directed me to the Spectator) has been sacked from his job in the Whips Office (along with the others) and that he is also being investigated by the Standards Committee. Hebden Bridge Discussion Forum on the Hebden Bridge Web. Bookings through airbnb incur an additional 10% charge. From Chris Barnett. Thursday, 29 December 2022. Messages which use bad language, are libellous or which insult other contributors, may be amended or left off. Monday, 1 August 2022. HebWeb Forum guidelines. Hebden Bridge Group Practice. Saturday, 25 August 2018. If you have comments on Hebweb news please make a contribution to our discussion forum. Linden Mill Planning Application Passed. From J Bibby. FRENCH TEACHER Small Ads (10 March). Keighey. Delores H Tuesday, 12 December 2017About Hebden Bridge. Speaker: Peter Higginbotham. The 19th century saw the roots of the coop movement. The atmosphere is edgy, unfriendly and unsociable. Use the Hebweb discussion forum. It meets on the 3rd Monday of each month by Zoom video link at 3 to 4. This section of the site is to discuss issues important to the Hebden Bridge community. They suggest Hebden Bridge as a location they are interested in for a 1. Forms for contacting HebWeb. Tuesday, 14 January 2020. There are two opportunities available to join the volunteering team this spring, in either the welcome or ranger teams. 23 Sept 2021. Issues of importance to the community of Hebden Bridge. A regular feature of the town's streets on a Sunday these days is the presence of a large squadron (15-20) of quad bike riders roaring around the place at a considerably higher speed than the maximum permitted, making a deafening noise, emitting horrendous pollution and frightening pedestrians. Within a week of advertising my house I've had several enquiries and found two couples. 2009 messages. If your property was flooded in Feb 2020 (storm Ciara) you might still be able to get a grant towards flood resilience works (deadline for applications is April, work to be finished by May). 2-3 BED HOUSE WANTED Small Ads (4 March). SEARCH HebWeb, including all forum messages. Our feature pages are the more magazine type sections of HebWeb, and will be regularly updated as new information or links become available. HEBWEB ADS - FAQs. Friday, 14 April 2023. LOOKING FOR 2-3 BED Small Ads (27 Aug) WANTED: HOUSE/FLAT Small Ads (26 Aug) WANTED: DOUBLE ROOM Small Ads (25 Aug) HANDMADE PARADE JOB VACANCY Small Ads (24 Aug) VIOLA TEACHER WANTED Small Ads (23 Aug) DOUBLE ROOM Small Ads (23 Aug) WANTED TO BUY Small Ads. You can respond to those ideas by completing a. Personal attacks and harrassment would just not be. A good new touch was the team of young unicyclists who cycled up and down to give the crowds an early taster, followed by. We gather from Facebook that the Keighley Road is going to be completely closed from 6th July to mid November, from 7 am every Monday morning to 6 pm every Friday evening. If you have problems using this form please email us your message with HebWeb Forum. Discussion of issues important to the communities of Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and the surrounding hills and villages. Not long ago, it was a small mill town producing wool and woollen goods. Monday, 28 February 2022. Tuesday, 15 February 2022 Your readers may not be aware, but this week is Heart Unions week. It's about time they were stopped. HebWeb Forum - Swimming Pool Development (2015) HebWeb Forum - Swimming Pool (March-October 2014). From Gillian MH. HebWeb Forum: Busking in Hebden (August-Oct 2010)The history of Hebden Bridge is fascinating and moving. We have recently upgraded the discussion forum to try and make it more useful and effective. There are plenty of public toilets in Mytholmroyd. Calderdale Planning dept seem to have suspended. This Forum is moderated - see here for. We have until 31 December to register our objections, as the developers have as usual timed things to fall over a holiday. Having visited the beautiful place that is Hebden Bridge and seeing and recognising the affinity I feel I would have with like minded people, of a certain age, genre etc, that are pretty thin on the ground where I live. The Discussion Forum is for discussion of local issues or national issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. Read more (16 March)Book Club. Hebweb - Discussion thread (1) Hebweb - Discussion thread (2) Subsequent updates. Andy M Sunday, 23 December 2012 ; Paul Clarke Saturday, 22 December 2012 ; Tim B Saturday, 22 December 2012 ; Andy M Friday, 21 December 2012 ; Hebden Supports new SLast week, the HebWeb published two articles on the new Neighbourhood Plan - see below for links. HebWeb Forum Amplified busking (May-Nov 2016). From Nick Wilding et al. Photo: Dai Hallgarth. Add your comments; Forum guidelines; Older messages; Threads and topics; 2017-2018 messages . Issues of importance to the community of Hebden Bridge. Friday, 11 March 2022 The National Trust is looking for volunteers to help welcome visitors and look after Hardcastle Crags. Pipes on the TIC building, standing stones and sun dial in the square - read the comments in the Hebweb discussion forum. The HebWeb Forum is for discussion of local issues or wider issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. 22 Feb 2023. Hebden Royd Council have completely failed to do anything about amplified busking - despite years of complaints from residents and employees affected by the noise - a problem that arose when the main square was pedestrianised. The meeting was presided over by Simon Brearley, the Chair of the Land Trust and was the third of three public meetings on housing called by the Trust, and the best attended with 80 people. Life in the real Happy Valley As millions watched the last thrilling episode of Happy Valley filmed around here, more of the media are publishing articles about our area. StoryTrails virtual reality experience is part of the Hebden Bridge Film Festival at the end of March. Hebweb. Hebden Bridge Discussion Forum on the Hebden Bridge Web. In this instance as the saying goes, a problem. Ted Hughes memorial statue. It meets on the 3rd Monday of each month by Zoom video link at 3 to 4. The HebWeb Forum is for discussion of local issues or wider issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. Areas full of wild flowers are mown in Todmorden as if they didnt exist. The fact of the parade being in late September on a day of dull Autumn weather didn't prevent the crowds turning out in full force. Like Michael Prior I was angered by the fact that Chris Williamson’s talk at the Town Hall was cancelled. LOOKING FOR A HOUSE Small Ads (5 June). Started Monday morning - workers finished by 10 am, but the crazy disruptive traffic lights were left left on. small ads - faqs. Photo: Dai Hallgarth. Tuesday, 11 July 2023. Monday, 31 January 2022. The lack of rented accommodation in Hebden Bridge has nothing to do with them. On January 1st 2022, more than 40 outdoor swimmers took the plunge in lakes, waterfalls, streams, reservoirs and even wheelie-bins to raise money and awareness to help fight homelessness. Even a few years ago, that building site would have been occupied by protesters until the work was stopped and the park was made safe. It's most certainly the right decision for businesses in town, who have suffered from the 'triple whammy' of Covid, flooding and a disastrous lack of parking provision in. Thank you. Good luck to them. No wonder. It also meets on the first Monday of each month at 3pm for an informal drop-in chat, again by Zoom video link. Join the Disability Forum. Issues of importance to the community of Hebden Bridge. However, as a local CAMRA activist, it is my understanding that the company policy is only to open branches in towns with a population greater than 10,000, as they. ROOM TO RENT Small Ads (7 March). Kerry McQuade, along with colleagues at the. Plus a reader’s reminiscence. Christine Bampton-Smith - Liberal Democrat - 339. Walking Groups and RADAR Disabled Toilets (April 2019) Hebden Bridge Disability Access Forum . HebWeb Discussion Forum. Add your comments; Forum guidelines; Older messages; Threads and topics; 2018 messages . From Amy R. A Hebden Bridge newspaper journalist is going on strike for better pay. 22 Feb 2023. The HebWeb Forum is for discussion of local issues or wider issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. 30 April 13th,. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Small Ads (26 Aug). Mytholmroyd Library. The current discussion on the gender identity movement on Hebweb is timely and welcome. 2 BED COTTAGE: "Had an amazing response to our House to Let ad!" CLEANER. I have asked Mr Scott to come on these forums, to report on the issue, as it seems Mrs Todd is posting, and isn't actually saying what happened!. Add your comments; Forum guidelines; 2010 messages; Older messages; Forum Threads; 2011 messages. The Impact of Airbnb on Local Affordable Housing. Add your comments. HebWeb mailing list. Local Co-op deliveries. There have been rumours about Wetherspoons opening in Hebden ever since the closure of the Hole in the Wall more than five years ago. Sunday, 9 October 2022. SMALL ADS - FAQs. This Forum is moderated - see below for guidelines. The meeting will start with our regular Focus on Mental Health. HebWeb Forum: Busking and amplification (April-July 2012) HebWeb Forum: Busking in Hebden (August-Oct 2010). I noticed the building site isn't secured, the barrier is is open. I live in Heptonstall and walk the woodland paths a lot, and I'm seeing increasing amounts of damage to paths from excessive mountain biking use, especially in the last two years. From Jez L. Hebden Bridge is on the Yorkshire side of the Pennine Hills. From Elizabeth Ogborn. From Andy G. Previously, on the HebWeb: HebWeb Forum: George Monbiot and rewilding the uplands (July 2014) HebWeb Forum: Moorland burning (March 2014) HebWeb Forum: Management of local moorlands update (Aug 2014) HebWeb Forum: Floods: the politics (June 2012) HebWeb Forum: Floods - Practical solutions (June 2012)Hebden Bridge Discussion Forum on the Hebden Bridge Web. I wonder how many of your readers are actually members of a union?Energy Prices. Sunday, 29 November 2020 There is a sense of exhaustion about the HebWeb forum as we live through these dark days. 30pm. Add your response or contribution. To advertise on the Hebweb, please use the small ads section or email us your requirements. From Maureen Dilley. The perfect tenants were found within 48 hours" - JasonHebWeb Discussion Forum threads: 2007-2019. The Little Park lies between the flats and Victoria Road and there is just a pathway agreed for building access to the site from Victoria Road down the side of Leedham Court. A quickly arranged protest brought out. . SMALL ADS - FAQs. 22 Feb 2023. Wednesday, 21 September 2022 Whatever you think of the squatters Joan, it is genius to take an empty building and live there rent free while people cannot afford to pay rent to live here or move out of. Tuesday, 5 January 2021. Seamless organization at Todmorden Health Centre made it all a. From 30th August 2018 due to demand there will no longer be a telephone duty doctor system for urgent appointments. If you have problems using this form please email us your message with HebWeb Forum as the subject, and indicate which topic. MID-CENTURY STYLE SOFA Small Ads (25 Aug). Friday, 1 October 2021. Threads and. Walking Groups and RADAR Disabled Toilets (April 2019) Hebden Bridge Disability Access Forum . HEBWEB ADS - FAQs. Wednesday, 23 February 2022. I'll include this Facebook link. Issues of importance to the community of Hebden Bridge. Bed and breakfast is offered at £50/night. On the face of it, the developer's claim of ownership of parking spaces and the right to build a site compound on Waterside Fold should be easy to refute, but it sounds as if the deeds. From Miles H. HebWebDiscussion Forum. It looks like the Ukrainian Club in Halifax is collecting items. The squatters are making use of a building that has been empty and nearly derelict for years. Thursday, 15 February 2018. SEARCH HebWeb, including all forum messages. HebWeb Forum: Trades Club ground floor - discussion arising from the statement above. The HebWeb believes that nothing Dave Boardman has said, nor the correspondents to the HebWeb Forum, is illegal. Calderdale Survey - give your views before 27 January. Hebden Royd Swimming Pool Fund. I was looking forward to hearing what he would say about how a Labour government might implement a much needed radical agenda after years of Conservative and (not too long ago) Lib Dem. Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys; Emails - a directory. Friday, 8 July 2022. Forum guidelines. See HebWeb discussion (17 Dec) Town Hall Job Vacancy:. Issues of importance to the community of Hebden Bridge. Thursday, 30 January 2020 Larry, I would add that most people also like animals, so it seems a reasonable compromise to only sell fireworks for licensed displays for particular celebrations, to reduce stress of both pets and livestock, not to mention a sizeable number of people who are actually bothered by them. New Hebden Bridge Access Map. The A646 Corridor Improvements. HebWeb Feature form. Older messages. The Planning Committee threw out the plans by a vote of five to two. It also meets on the first Monday of each month at 3pm for an informal drop-in chat, again by Zoom video link. Modérateur : Équipe. There’s a discussion forum thread for. summer solstice circle small ads (18 may). I worked at Acre Mill as an apprentice draughtsman from November 1958 until leaving to go to Bradford Uni in February 1962, then back again to install new machinery (as a newly qualified mechanical engineer) from June 1966 until the November before moving on to another company, Kismet Ltd.