Dear Wayland Voter, The selectmen chose two new members of the Finance Committee. The televised five-hour meeting on Saturday morning Dec. RIVER’S EDGE DEAL DELAYED AGAIN. RIVER’S EDGE LAND SALE. Dear Wayland Voter, The long-awaited sale of land for a large housing project has been announced. -- Employee COVID outbreaks, stress and resignations, 48 new Wayland COVID-19 cases since Thanksgiving. Also in this newsletter:-- The Board of Public Works is investigating the plowing of an artificial turf field that could allow toxic chemicals into the town’s water supply. WAYLAND ASKED TO PAY FOR FRAMINGHAM BRIDGE. 3 at the High School Stadium field. io. The best information source about the wastewater debacle can be found at Wayland Voters Network (WVN. Complete unofficial results:. COVID CASES RISE IN WAYLAND. -- The Finance Committee scrutinizes Town Meeting articles. Dear Wayland Voter, COVID-19 cases in Wayland are up. STATE: STOP STALLINGIn keeping with this mandate, the Board of Selectmen held a public forum on June 1 to hear the opinions of a number of Wayland residents and officials including Town Moderator Peter Gossels. The Wayland Memorial Day ceremony will be held outside (rain or shine) at 11 A. -- PFAS remediation update. Dear Wayland Voter, The public will have the chance to tour the site of the proposed Loker playing field. 1 they specified the location as the High School Stadium, but the Town website later showed the location as “to be determined. Will voters have access to maps and changed wording in articles? Also in this newsletter:Dear Wayland Voter, After weeks of online-only instruction, Wayland schools will open to students on Monday October 19th using a hybrid model with two days of in-school instruction each week. Wayland e News. Some citizens voting by mail may have received ballots for the wrong precinct. -- A Town official attacks WVN. Wayland Voters Network September 14, 2005 Dear Wayland Voter, A reminder that you are invited to a public forum on how to improve Town Meeting, this Thursday, September 15, at 7:30 p. Wayland Voters Network December 30, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter, We want to share a column published in the Town Crier earlier this month, written by Wayland resident Mike Patterson. Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland still lacks a contract for its school buses service. com. Also in this newsletter: -- The Planning Board strongly objects to the parking of school buses near a pre-school making unsafe site conditions worse. Also in this newsletter:-- Who is running for Town office?-- Public involvement meeting on the River’s Edge site cleanup -- COVID. Monday, February 22, 2021 . Also in this newsletter:-- Early in-person voting begins. The vote on Article 4 was 4-0-1, with. Dear Wayland Voter, Environmental concerns about proposed affordable housing in Cochituate are becoming more complicated. Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland High School has reported two cases of COVID-19 and in-person instruction was canceled for Friday. It will present these to the public at a forum on July 8. -- The permitting process continues toward a new artificial turf field at the Loker recreation area. Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland has submitted its plan for dealing with PFAS contamination in water. Thank you for subscribing. 14 with all-online instruction. – Wayland water met state standards in December. Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland COVID-19 cases have risen. . Some citizens voting by mail may have received ballots for the wrong precinct. Also in this newsletter: --- Voting by mail for the June 9 local Wayland election--- Total of 86 COVID-19 cases and 10 deaths --- Natick officials receive sobering financial news from their state legislatorsDear Wayland Voter, COVID-19 cases in Wayland are up. -- The Finance Committee scrutinizes Town Meeting articles. Also in this newsletter: Water restrictions, coronavirus update, outdoor dining, and preliminary planning for school reopening. On March 31 residents found a Town news release alerting them that PFAS6 contaminants had been found to be above allowable. 2013 Annual Town Meeting Apr, 04 - eCode360Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland COVID-19 cases have risen. It is supported by donations and fees paid by the local cable suppliers, Comcast and. Dieffenbach: The latest effort from the Wayland Voter's Network, WVN #127, starts off in two novel ways. For many years the seven members of the Finance Committee who advise the Select Board have been appointed by the Select Board (formerly known as the Board of Selectmen). Since Wayland voters didn't approve Article 7, the planning board offered Article 6 as a. Voters. Dear Wayland Voter, Wayland has lost a dedicated volunteer who changed local public access TV. A5. TAX HIKEDear Wayland Voter, Wayland’s tax rate will increase in Fiscal 2021, and some residents are expressing concern. Also in this newsletter: Outdoor Town Meeting plans, school reopening, taxi service for seniors. Also in this newsletter: -- The Planning Board strongly objects to the parking of school buses near a pre-school making unsafe site conditions worse. Town Planner Sarkis Sarkisian posted the. The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 24 at. Politics & Government Wayland Voters Nix Traffic Control on Glezen; OK OPEB, Solar Energy Town Meeting wrapped up its second night on Tuesday. — Nearly $50 million was on the table to make improvements at Wayland Union Schools in Tuesday's election. Since July 7, Wayland has added five new COVID-19 cases,. Since July 7, Wayland has added five new COVID-19 cases,. WAYLAND VOTER'S NETWORK August 9, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter, Various observers submitted the following notes on last week's High School Building Committee meeting. Also in this newsletter:-- Early in-person voting begins. Dear Wayland Voter, The Finance Committee draft budget projects a 6. io. Voter Registration Status. Also in this newsletter:. Wayland Voters Network October 12, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter: The following notes on last Thursday's High School Building Committee. Selectman: Michael Tichnor 1122 Pat. -- The human resources director is leaving after dealing with staff turnover. The High School Building Committee (HSBC) had reason to celebrate on Monday night when voters unanimously endorsed Article 7, funding for a feasibility and schematic design for Wayland High School. -- A human case of West Nile virus has been reported. The LWVW is a local affiliate of the LWVUS. Wayland will receive aid, noting that the state plans to provide $5. com The weekly newsletter of the website for Wayland: In This Issue:. Also in this newsletter: Outdoor Town Meeting plans, school reopening, taxi service for seniors. In this newsletter we’ll outline what lies ahead, including logistics. TheCrier chose to publish. The Wayland School Committee conducts literally scores of meetings every year, and does so in strict compliance with the Open Meeting Law. (Neal McNamara/Patch) WAYLAND, MA — There's just a few weeks left for Wayland residents to file to run for. 75% property tax hike. -- Tax relief for seniors. Also in this newsletter:-- The state attorney general issues a stiff warning to the selectmen. -- Early voting without using the mail. The controversial Lydia Maria Child Award for Community Service proposed by the Public Ceremonies Committee at Town Meeting to honor six Wayland residents as "Watchdogs in the Public Interest" was. Technical problems have arisen since the Wayland school year began on Sept. So reads the Wayland Voters Network Web site. Also in this newsletter: Wayland COVID clinic and more vaccination information. Also in this newsletter:-- Water ban. Also in this newsletter:. Also in this newsletter:-- Enthusiasm about a new school superintendent. When the selectmen announced the date on Sept. 1 billion over the next two decades. Early voting by mail continues for the May 11 local. tv. It is a non-partisan political organization that encouraWAYLAND VOTERS NETWORK May 4, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter, After an extended debate at last night's Town Meeting, the new position of Town Administrator was approved by a vote of 110 to 74. Steve Correia. Wayland Voters Network October 22, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter: The following notes on last Monday's School Committee meeting were submitted by WVN subscriber Tom Sciacca, and the notes from the October 14 High School Building Committee meeting were submitted by Michael Short, WVN Treasurer. Dear Wayland Voter, Town and school officials are under pressure against a Sept. 75% property tax hike. Though the overall increase in the town's property tax bills was 11 percent, their bill had. Early voting by mail continues for the May 11 local. Dear Wayland Voter, Two affordable housing projects, one large and one small, are scheduled for more action by Town officials. Dear Wayland Voter, The Finance Committee draft budget projects a 6. Tichnor has been a leader in coaxing the developers back to the table more thanDear Wayland Voter, STM is scheduled to begin at 12:30 P. -- Wayland COVID risk. ”Dear Wayland Voter, The Finance Committee draft budget projects a 6. The School Committee conducts some 99. 2 those eligible according to the state’s Phase 1 and 2 categories can begin signing up with the Town to get on a waiting list for a local COVID-19 vaccination appointment. 75% property tax hike. Also in this newsletter: outdoor water use restrictions and COVID updates. Also in this newsletter: Outdoor Town Meeting plans, school reopening, taxi service for seniors. In a robocall to Wayland residents on Sunday afternoon, Health Director Julia Junghanns announced that beginning on Tuesday, Feb. -- The permitting process continues toward a new artificial turf field at the Loker recreation area. Also in this newsletter:-- Primary election results-- Two Wayland High School graduates present a petition and a plan to increase antiracism awareness in schools. One is the Cascade 40B (called by critics “The Monster”) affordable housing project proposed by former Wayland resident Steven Zieff for the Mahoney’s property on Route 20 (ZBA case 17-19, revised. in the Public Safety Building. But now, with the. Also in this newsletter:--- Tax classification hearing--- River’s Edge updates --- Opinions sought on housing plan--- Holiday open house and a stroll FY22 TAX RATE &. m. 25, 2006, it's important to those readers to have accurate facts. Wayland’s Wastewater Management District Commission (WWMDC) is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Feb. Each of these provides its. If you are new to the network, thank you for subscribing. Dear Wayland Voter, Environmental concerns about proposed affordable housing in Cochituate are becoming more complicated. Also in this newsletter:-- Wastewater public hearing-- COVID updates-- Annual town election. Wayland Voters Network September 29, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter: BALLOT QUESTION ON HIGH SCHOOL PROPOSAL LIKELY IN JANUARY 2005 If you're planning a winter vacation or might have trouble getting around in bad weather, and if you want to have a voice in the largest building proposal in Wayland's history, you'd be well. WAYLAND VOTERS NETWORK April 21, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter, This sixth edition of the Wayland Voters Network newsletter contains information related to. SEPT. Also in this newsletter:-- The Board of Public Works is investigating the plowing of an artificial turf field that could allow toxic chemicals into the town’s water supply. Also in this newsletter:-- Wayland’s COVID rate is no longer in the red category. Wayland Community Access TV is a vital resource, recording official meetings and creating a permanent archive of government activity. Wayland Voters Network responds to letter. WAYLAND LEVEL OF PFAS EXCEEDS STATE LIMITS. -- The police chief is retiring. levine town administrator tel. Since July 7, Wayland has added five new COVID-19 cases,. 17 message, writing that school administrators “applied for and (were) granted. In the column, the. Dear Wayland Voter, The Select Board met in closed session but has never explained why Police Chief Sean Gibbons has been on leave since April. -- Flu clinicsDear Wayland Voter, Wayland schools will begin the school year online only. For the first time in weeks, Wayland has seen an influx of community spread in COVID-19 cases. -- Update on proposal to process River’s Edge housing wastewater at the Town’s treatment plant. VETERANS DAY CEREMONY. Since July 7, Wayland has added five new COVID-19 cases,. SEPT. MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY. Also in this newsletter:-- Wayland COVID-19 cases increase. 2013 Annual Town Meeting Apr, 04 - eCode360Wayland Town Audit Committee . TAX HIKEDear Wayland Voter, In recent years Wayland vastly improved the efficiency of Town Meeting with speedy and accurate electronic voting and in addition a variety of visual aids. Think twice, says a Wayland resident who followed Framingham’s efforts to free itself from reliance on the MWRA. On Jan. At the Town Meeting scheduled for Sept. Wayland has reached the lowest COVID risk category. S. Details, including costs and benefits, are still lacking. You can check your voting status on the Secretary of State's website, where you can also find your polling place. Details, including costs and benefits, are still lacking. Solicitation for nominations regarding the first recipient of the C. NOTICE: HIGH SCHOOL. Town Crier Online Wayland Cable TV Metrowest Daily News Wayland Patch Wayland Voters Network Wayland eNews Other Wayland links at Wayland eNewsLetter: Wayland Voters Network has bias. COVID CASES RISE IN WAYLAND. Below are the results in the five contested races. Also in this newsletter:-- Government transparency seems to be declining. -- The Finance Committee scrutinizes Town Meeting articles. FULL WATER BANDear Wayland Voter, COVID-19 cases in Wayland are up. Precincts 2. TO THE EDITOR: Having been involved in town government for many years as a member of the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee and various. -- PFAS remediation update. Technical problems have arisen since the Wayland school year began on Sept. WAYLAND VOTERS NETWORK April 28, 2004 Dear Wayland Voter, The complete results from yesterday's Town election can be found on the Town's web site, click on Town Departments, Elections. It provides some food for thought during this time of both reflection and anticipation. -- COVID-19 updates. No Wayland department is safe and no Wayland data is secure. 14 starting date for Wayland schools. on Monday, May 31 at Lakeview Cemetery, 80 Commonwealth Rd. In fairness to those who might have read Wayland Voters Network Newsletter #137, written by Marcia Malmfeldt, that appeared on Jan. Dear Wayland Voter, On the April 24 election ballot you find only one race that has produced spirited disagreement. If you have never registered with Groups. Wayland’s Wastewater Management District Commission (WWMDC) is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Feb. Wayland Voters Network; Metrowest Regional Transit Authority; Movie Theater Phone Numbers;. m. In Wayland, grassroots organizing takes form in Save Our Services (SOS), Wayland eNews and the Wayland Voters Network. -- Temporary permission to park school buses near a preschool. Also in this newsletter:-- The School Committee is still seeking ways to meet class size guidelines when students return to classrooms in October. miller thomas j. Thank you for subscribing. 12 Town Meeting presents obstacles.